

Jan 10: Our paper about the utility of elogical landscapes in the design of microbial communities has been published in PLoS Computational Biology.


Nov 29: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the Center for Mathematical Biology at UPenn.

Oct 22: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk on population genetics of expanding populations at the Greater Boston Area Statistical Mechanics Meetingheld at UMass Amherst.

Sep 21: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk on genealogies in expanding populations at the Applied Mathematics Seminar at the University of Toronto.

Aug 01: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk about evolution during geographic spread at the University of Mississipi Medical Center.

Jul 28: Our paper about the effects of nutrient diffusion on morphology and genetic diversity of microbial colonies has been published in Physical Biology. This work was done in collaboration with the lab of Daniel Segre.

Jan 04: Our paper about competition between slow and fast expanders has been published in PNAS. This work with done in collaboration with Hyunseok Lee and Jeff Gore.


Sep 01: Louis Brezin has joined our group. He did his PhD at Institut Curie and Collège de France in Paris with Jean-François Joanny and Thomas Risler.

Aug 24: Our paper about genealogies in expanding populations has been published in PNAS. This work was done in collaboration with Gabriel Birzu and Oskar Hallatschek.


Sep 11: Kirill Korolev has received an R01 from NIH/NIGMS: Relationship between genealogies and biophysical processes during spatial growth.

Aug 13: Our paper with Keisuke Ishihara on traveling waves in replicating persistent random walks came out in New Journal of Physics.

Aug 10: Ashish George has defended his thesis: “Eco-evolutionary dynamics of microbial communities with heterogeneous growth and dispersal”. Upon graduation, he is starting a postdoc with James O’Dwyer and Sergey Maslov at UIUC.

May 14: Kirill Korolev has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. 

Jan 16: Alex Golden is giving a talk at a workshop at Princeton on Collective Cell Migration.


Oct 07: Our paper with Jeff Gore on genetic diversity in pulled vs. pushed expansions was published in PNAS.

Sep 08: Our paper about how cooperative dispersal can drastically alter genetic drift during range expansions has appeared in Ecology Letters.

July 29: Gabriel Birzu has defended his thesis: “Stochastic reaction-diffusion fronts: Applications to ecology and evolution”. He will be starting a postdoc with Daniel Fisher at Stanford in October.

July 24: Our paper about evolution during range expansions with Joao Xavier and Maxim Deforet came out in American Naturalist

June 22: Gabriel Birzu is giving a talk at the 2019 Evolution Meeting in Providence, RI. 

June 01: Our paper about velocity locking in structured environments came out in Theoretical Population Biology

May 30-31: We are hosting the second Theory of Living Systems Meeting at BU.

May 23: Kirill Korolev leads a discussion on quantitative ecology and evolutionary dynamics at Harvard’s QuantBio Symposium on The Future of Quantitative Biology.

May 02: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Materials Research Science and Engineering seminar series at  Brandeis University (The role of space in population dynamics). 

Apr 12: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the Theory & Biology conference organized by the Simons foundation (Universality classes in the evolutionary dynamics of expanding populations).

Mar 20: Kirill Korolev is giving a physics colloquium at the University of Michigan (Universality classes in the evolutionary dynamics of expanding populations).

Mar 04-08: Gabriel Birzu, Ashish George, and Kirill Korolev are giving talks at the APS March meeting.

Mar 01: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Frontiers in Quantitative and Systems Biology seminar series run by QCBio at UCLA (The role of space in population dynamics).

Feb 27: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center at a joint seminar of Mathematical Modeling and Basic Biology groups (The role of space in population dynamics).

Feb 25: Kirill Korolev has joined the editorial board of JSTAT

Feb 05: Our paper with Pankaj Mehta and others on cross-feeding in complex microbial communities has been published in PLoS Computational Biology.


Dec 27: Our paper on the fitness effects of cellular chirality came out in PLoS Computational Biology.

Nov 29: Our paper on microbiota in Crohn’s disease in a non-Western population came out in Gut Pathogens.

Oct 21: Our paper on fungal dysbiosis in Crohn’s disease came out in WJG.

Oct 17-19: Kirill Korolev is attending the Mathematical and Physical Sciences Annual Meeting organized by the Simons Foundation in NYC.

Sep 24: Our paper with Shyam Erramilli and others has been published in Nano Futures

Jul 11-13: Kirill Korolev is attending the Cottrell Scholar Conference organized by RCSA in Tucson, AZ.

Jul 1-10: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the workshop for physicists working on cancer at Weizmann Institute of Science (Population genetics and ecology of spatially growing populations).

Jun 8: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at ASM Microbe meeting in Atlanta, GA (Effects of Cellular Chirality on Competition and Cooperation in Microbial Colonies).

May 24-25: We are hosting the first annual Theory in Biology conference at BU with the support of the Simons Foundation.

Apr 24: Kirill Korolev is presenting at Microbiome: Applications & Future organized by Synthetic Biology Center at MIT.

Apr 19: Ashish B. George won a travel grant to go to the q-bio conference this summer.

Apr 13: Kirill Korolev is at Simons Conference on Theory & Biology.

Apr 04: Rajita Menon has defended her thesis: “Network Topology and Community Function in Spatial Microbial Communities”. She will be heading toVedanta Biosciences upon graduation.

Apr 02: Our paper with Oskar Hallatschek reporting a new class of reaction-diffusion waves came out in PNAS.

Mar 06: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the APS March Meeting in Los Angeles (Neither pulled nor pushed: Genetic drift and front wandering uncover a new class of reaction-diffusion waves).

Feb 06: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the Harvard CMT Kid’s seminar.

Jan 31: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the Aspen Winter Conference on Fundamental Problems in Active Matter.

Jan 26: Rajita Menon is giving a talk at the MIT Ecology Meeting.

Jan 16: Our paper on the role of interspecific interactions in microbiome studies came out in PLoS Computational Biology.


Dec 07: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Biomathematics seminar series at Harvard University.

Sep 01: Sakib Matin joined the group.

Aug 01: The project on the evolution of temporally-regulated cooperative dispersal by Kirill Korolev and Minsu Kim from Emory University have been selected for funding by the Gordon and Betty Moore foundation.

Jul 25-28: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the 11th q-bio conference at Rutgers University on the self-assembly of asters

Jul 09-14: Kirill Korolev is at the Gordon Research Conference on Microbial Population Dynamics.

Jul 03-07: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the Joint ICGEB-ICTP-APCTP Workshop on Systems Biology and Molecular Economy of Microbial Communities in Trieste, Italy, on the role of spatial structure in multi-species microbial communities.

Jun 15: Rajita Menon is giving a talk on the role of microbial interactions in microbiome studies at the 23rd Boston Bacterial Meeting.

Apr 27-30: Kirill Korolev is attending the third Scialog: Molecules Come to Life cosponsored by RCSA, NIH, and Moore Foundation.

Apr 07: Rajita Menon and Kirill Korolev are at the Theory & Biology Conference organized by the Simons Foundation in NYC.

Mar 31: Our paper with Lene Oddershede on the mechanistic origins of chirality in E. coli colonies came out in the ISME Journal.

Mar 13: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the APS March Meeting in New Orleans (Assembly and control of large microtubule complexes).

Feb 21: Kirill Korolev receives a Cottrell Scholar Award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement

Feb 16: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at BU Microbiome Day.

Jan 26: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Seminar at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Jan 18: Kirill Korolev and Daniel Segre received a Research Award from the Hariri Institute.

Jan 02: Our paper on the role of fungi in inflammatory bowel disease came out in the Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis.


Dec 1: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the Physics Colloquium at the University of Massachusetts Boston (To grow or not to grow: From microtubules to cancer).

Nov 30: Kirill Korolev contributed a commentary on a recent paper by Daniele De Martino, Fabrizio Capuani, and Andrea De Martino  for theCondensed Matter Journal Club (Entropic costs of metabolic regulation).

Nov 28: Our paper with Keisuke Ishihara and Timothy Mitchison on how large microtubule complexes assemble came out in eLife.

Nov 01: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Center for Theoretical Biological Physics at Rice University (Beyond the standard model of growth: From chiral cells to polymer networks).

Oct 20-21: Kirill Korolev is attending Mathematics and Physical Sciences Annual Meeting in the New York City organized by Simons Foundation. 

Sep 13: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Widely Applied Mathematics seminar at Harvard University.

Jul 11-15: Kirill Korolev is teaching in Nicolas Cabrera Summer School in Madrid on the Physics of Biological Systems.

Jun 22: Gabriel Birzu has passed his qualifying exam.

Jun 17: Kirill Korolev was appointed as a Simons Investigator in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems

Jun 15: Ashish Bino George is talking about his work on chiral growth at the 22nd Boston Bacterial Meeting

May 19: Ashish Bino George has passed his qualifying exam.

May 18: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Squishy Physics on the assembly and control of large microtubule complexes at Harvard University.

May 17: Rajita Menon was awarded a Hariri Graduate Fellowship.

May 16: Our paper with Jeff Gore about a transition from pulled to pushed expansions came out in PNAS; see also a commentary by Mark Lewis.

Apr 26: Rajita Menon was awarded an Alvaro Roccaro Memorial Prize by the BU Physics Department for her contributions to the Physics of Living Systems.

Mar 31: Kirill Korolev is attending the second Scialog: Molecules Come to Life

Mar 25: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Channing Network Science Seminar at Harvard Medical School.

Mar 14-18: APS March Meeting. Kirill Korolev and  Jeff Gore have co-organized a session complex microbial communities; there is also a talk and aposter.

Feb 02: Our paper with Harland Winter on microbiome changes in Crohn’s disease came out in Cell Reports.

Jan 29: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the First Quantitative Ecology Meeting at MIT; Rajita Menon, Gabriel Birzu, and Ashish Bino George are presenting posters.

Jan 08: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk on invasion arrest in cooperative populations at an Aspen Winter Conference on Populations, Evolution, and Physics.


Nov 16: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Computational Biology and Bioinformatics seminar series at Duke University.

Nov 13: Our paper on the evolution of dispersal in cooperative populations came out in Physical Review Letters; see also this Focus article.

Sep 30: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the Hariri Institute.

Sep 28: Kirill Korolev is named a Junior Faculty Fellow at the Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Sciences & Engineering.

Aug 11: Our paper with Jeff Gore about predicting ecological transitions under multiple environmental drivers came out in PNAS.

Jul 19-24: Kirill Korolev is at the Gordon Research Conference on microbial population dynamics.

Jun 19: Rajita Menon is giving a talk on how public good diffusion affects cross-feeding at the 21st Boston Bacterial Meeting.

Apr 23: Our paper about the role of metabolite diffusion in microbial cross-feeding came out in Physical Review Letters; see also this Synopsis.

Mar 13: Kirill Korolev was selected a Scialog Fellow and is attending the first Scialog: Molecules Come to Life.

Mar 05: Kirill Korolev is giving an invited talk at APS March Meeting.

Feb 27: Rajita Menon has passed her qualifying exam.


Oct 24: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the annual NASPGHAN meeting about our work on microbiome in IBD.

Oct 21: Our paper with Leonid Mirny on role of damaging mutations in cancer came out in PNAS.

Aug 15: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America.

Jun 23: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at the annual Evolution Meeting.

May 03: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Digestive Disease Week on microbiome changes in Crohn’s disease.

Apr 17: Our perspective on Allee effects in cancer came out in Nature Reviews Cancer; see also an article in MIT News.

Mar 03: Kirill Korolev is giving a talk at Biology Department Seminar at BU.

Feb 01: Our paper with Irene Chen on horizontal gene transfer inside microbial biofilms came out in Biophysical Journal.